RVCSU Freshers Fair

RVCSU Freshers Fair

Wed 25 September 2024 12:00-16:00

Camden Lightwell, Activities Studio & Haxby

Come and chat to the SU's Clubs and Societies amongst lots of other stalls - and pick up plenty of freebies!

Freshers Fair this year will be held at Camden Campus accross both lightwells, the Haxby Bar and the SU Activities Studio. The fair will start at 12pm and end at 4pm. 

Between 11am and 12pm we will be having a 'quiet hour'.

We understand that loud noises, bright lights and crowds can be very stressful for some of our students. During this hour we'll keep things as quiet as possible and dim the lights where we can.
Please support us in creating an enjoyable day for everyone by leaving this hour free for those who need it.


Royal Veterinary College Students' Union ™

HH: Hawkshead House, Hawkshead Lane, Hatfield AL9 7TA | CM: 4 Royal College St, London NW1 0TU

Contact Us: rvcsu@rvc.ac.uk

For website/ticketing enquiries please email suwebsite@rvc.ac.uk

For event enquiries please email suents@rvc.ac.uk

+44 (0)1707666333

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