Mon 24 March 2025 16:00-17:00
SU Activities Studio Camden
There will be two yoga classes offered weekly at the Camden campus.
Classes will be held on Mondays and Thursdays from 1600-1700 (4-5pm) in the activities studio. Monday classes will be Vinyasa, and Thursday classes will be Yang to Yin (class descriptions below). Both classes are suitable for beginners and longtime practitioners as there will be variations of postures to meet you where you are in your practice.
Vinyasa: A series of postures linked together into a flow. The class is dynamic and focuses syncing breath to movement.
Yang to Yin: Yang yoga is an active practice (incorporates vinyasa and hatha styles) focused on strength and flexibility and yin is a slower practice focused on working the joints and connective tissues. The first half of class will be more active while the second half of class will be more relaxing and meditative.
If you have never done yoga before, we will have a Foundations Class on Wednesday, March 5th at 1600 (4pm). This class will be designed to go through common yoga postures setting you up in the proper alignment from the ground up. Anyone can benefit from this class, not just beginners.
To sign up for the classes, you must “buy” a free ticket on the SU website linked below. Max capacity is 25 people per class, and you can sign up for the classes available that month (ei. right now you can sign up for the classes on Feb. 20, 24, and 27th). Classes are completely free, but the purchase of a free ticket is required since only 25 people can fit in the studio.
There are mats and blocks available, but they are first come, first served!
Please always double check the studio calendar as there are some days where I have lab, Bolton’s farm trip, AHEMS, etc. where we may not have class. I will send out emails and texts via WhatsApp at the beginning of the month listing the dates we have class and if there are any changes throughout the month, I’ll send them out via email/text.
To join the email distribution list, please sign up below:
To join the WhatsApp Group, click on the link below:
If you have any questions, please email: I hope to see you on your mat!