Lara Richardson

Known As:

What are you most looking forward to this year?
Some more brilliant sporting wins in the BUCS and LUSL leagues from all our teams as well as the infamous Hawkshead vs Camden Varsity.

What's your top recommendation for students to get involved during their time at Uni?
Get involved in as many sports and societies as you can! They are the best part of uni!

Favourite Animal:
Welsh Luing Cows (they're cute, look them up)

Sports (swimming, netball, triathlon), travelling and adventure stuff

Fun Fact:
I recently bought an air-mattress to try out some gymnastics at home and subsequently ended up in A&E with a broken elbow 30 minutes later.


George Jefferson

Known As:

What are you most looking forward to this year?
Being part of the SU and making a difference to RVC sport where I can. I’m also excited to be running the Paris marathon in April and backpacking in India at Christmas, which will be great breaks amidst the excitement of starting rotations and the final stages of EMS!

What's your top recommendation for students to get involved during their time at Uni?
Get stuck in wherever you can and don't be afraid to try something new. Clubs and societies offer so much in terms of great experiences, friendships, and the opportunity to pick up new hobbies or meet like-minded people.

Favourite Animal:

Running, hockey, tennis, cooking from time to time, and various forms of music.

Fun Fact:
I've served Roger Federer at a bar!