March Exotics Case Rounds

March Exotics Case Rounds

Thu 27 March 2025 18:00-19:30

online on Teams

Join us for another sensational case discussion!  This month, we'll be talking through a variety of exotics cases with Dr. Colin Clarke from the exotics department of the Beaumont.  These sessions are designed to be highly interactive, so bring your curiosity and enthusiasm!  This is a great opportunity to learn in a supportive environment :)

There is no obligation to contribute, so those who'd prefer to just listen in are welcome as well.

These monthly Case Rounds are available to RVCZS members only, so if you'd like to participate, please purchase subs for this year, and we'll get you access to the event.

For those unable to attend, we will try to record the event (pending permission) and share it with you afterwards