Welcome to the RVC Triathlon & Athletics Page!
Whether you are a swimmer, cyclist, runner or a track and field enthusiast, we are inclusive to all abilities - from competition level, to complete first-timers who want to give one of these a go, we welcome all.
Running: Our weekly fixtures in Camden consist of 2 endurance sessions and 2 sprint sessions run by TriAC members and the Highgate Harriers respectively. Social runs will also be organised weekly by TriAC members; the perfect opportunity for some exercise and conversation in good company! The group is always happy to stop and walk if needed, so you can be sure that whatever your running capabilities are, you won’t be left behind :) If you’re up in Hawkshead, you won’t be missing out as weekly sessions and social runs will also be run by TriAC members. Further details will be posted by Emily Coughlin and DJ Matthews once the year gets going.
We also occasionally attend parkrun at Finsbury park, Highbury Fields or Oakleigh Park. Inclusive to all abilities, it is a free, organised 5km timed run every Saturday at 9am in parks dotted around the UK. Some runners speed around the course in 17 minutes whilst others leisurely walk its entirety in 50 minutes, so there is no need to worry about coming in last! Long runs also take place on most weekends with details posted by Tri AC members. If you stick around after, we’ll reward ourselves at the park cafe and have a coffee to celebrate the fact we got out of bed before 9am on a weekend.
As a team, we compete in the LUCA (London Universities & College Athletics) Cross Country races starting from October until late February with the BUCS Cross Country Championships to finish the XC season. In the summer we will also compete in LUCA Track & Field meets. These competitions are followed by a social at a local pub, often alongside other universities XC teams - an excellent opportunity to get to know some faces outside of the RVC!
Swimming: New members can look forward to developments being made in swimming this year. Currently, weekly recreational swimming is available for students in Camden and Hawkshead at Pancras Square Leisure and the Furze on Thursday and Tuesday evenings respectively. Depending on interest, TriAC members with previous swimming experience at competition level will run trial training sessions, which would open up opportunities for us to enter competitions as a team.
Our Swimming Captain Charlotte Payne runs training sessions for our competitive swimmers. In 2023 we competed at both BUCS and at LUSL taking away multiple medals and we hope to be just as successful this coming year!
Cycling: Group cycles from Hawkshead will take place on a monthly basis, led by Ella Adams and Katherine Young, followed by a coffee afterwards in Potters Bar. We have club bikes available to use if you haven’t got your own.
Strength & Conditioning: S&C sessions will take place every Tuesday evening in the SAWC (Hawkshead), run by a local PT. These sessions are always highly popular and are guaranteed to make you sweat!
All fixtures and events are for you to join based on your own interest and availability - there is no pressure to attend every session once you are part of the Triathlon & Athletics Club. If you have any questions please message Amie Hawkins – ahawkins21@rvc.ac.uk (President) or Molly Harris – mharris22@rvc.ac.uk (Treasurer), we look forward to meeting you all and are always happy to help!
RVC Tri AC has 3 tiers of subs which covers the following:
Standard subs - £20
- S&C
- Running competitions - LUCA XC, LUCA Indoors / outdoors, BUCS XC
- Monthly cycling
Swimming subs - £25 (This is the best deal!)
- S&C
- Running AND swimming competitions - as above + BUCS/LUSL Swimming, BUCS triathlon
- Weekly swimming at the Furze / Pancras Square
- Monthly cycling
S&C ONLY - £15
- If you only wish to attend S&C and nothing else
- Does not cover any competitions or cycling