World Mental Health Day highlights the importance of looking after our mental wellbeing and recognising when we need to slow down and take a break. University is tough for everyone, whether this be your first year here at the RVC away from family, friends, and home comforts, or whether this be your final year with the stress of having to think about a job and finals creeping in. It is important for us to know the signs of burnout and for us all to look out for one another to make sure everyone feels supported. I have attached a poster from Mental Health UK outlining some of the signs of burnout, and also some of the self-care tips they suggest doing when we feel deflated and overwhelmed with studies. Staying informed of the signs to look out for can not only help us spot when we are struggling, but also when our friends are too. Make sure you are taking time for yourself at the end of a long study day and don't feel guilty for taking an afternoon off if that is what your body is asking from you. Sometimes taking time away from studying can make us more productive in the long run! Remember, university is a marathon, not a sprint.

Mental health isn't only affected by the stresses brought to us from our studies and jobs. Our day-to-day worries about finances, living situations, or even friendships can all have a big impact on our wellbeing. World Mental Health Day raises awareness for mental health in general, so if you are feeling external pressures outside of academic commitments, please do reach out to someone and share your burden. Life can be very unpredictable and sometimes talking with someone outside of your situation can help bring clarity to it, or that person may offer a different perspective and insight into how they may help you."